STOP Pneumonia At Glance

STOP Pneumonia program was launched as part of a Global Campaign to mark the 100th anniversary of Save the children. Save the Children in Indonesia through the STOP Pneumonia campaign program focuses on increasing awareness leading to changes in the behaviour of the target public, strengthening the capacity of health workers, implementing delivery services for beneficiaries, intensive cross-stakeholder socialization, social mobilization through an integrated childhood pneumonia management approach: protect, prevent, and treat. The STOP Pneumonia campaign was designed based on several situation analysis studies in Bandung and West Sumba Districts during September – November 2018. The conclusions and recommendations of the study are the importance of coordinating and supporting the Bandung District Health Office and 21 working area Community Health Centres (Puskesmas) to overcome preventable deaths childhood pneumonia.

STOP Pneumonia Key Messages

  • Understanding pneumonia and the danger signs
  • Pneumonia can be prevented through breastfeeding, immunization, hand washing with soap, nutrition for children, reduce domestic pollutant and stop smoking
  • Knowing what to do when exposed to pneumonia
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